new year...new resolutions...right...well, this blog thing really didn't go anywhere for me past the set up process. For some reason I struggled getting the image I really wanted to load on my blog posted, so, then I just gave up...well, I have figured this one out, now. And, I am ready to attempt this again.
My hopes are to use this more frequently. And, to update all of my clients and prospective clients about my in studio specials. Which, I hope to be running more of this year. As well as the introduction of my new website. It is in the works, I will notify you when it is getting closer to completion. I would also like to let you know about my very special VIP club. Watch for further details!
Now have you gotten out to play in this beautiful snow, yet! Make the time to, our world is really beautiful this time of year, take a moment to look around you, and enjoy this beautiful country. Why else are you still living in Iowa?! I know this bitterly cold weather is no fun, I do have to agree, but, we get to be "snowed in" for a short time!
till next time...
please feel free, to notify me of anything you might like to see on this blog...photog offers...tips...